
Associated to the questions of editorial design and art, n.d. is a yearly publication focused on two major researchers in the humanities (people, places, items…).


stimulate the interdependence
between the different disciplines
a constant whirling
inside and outside the book, causing the writers to re-evaluate the experience, the critics and the final results

First, a will to synthesize, a search for uniqueness and for a relation of meaningful interdependence between an editorial content and its design, between text and its visual identity, between the search and the creation. Then, an observation: the subject of human sciences through editorial and graphical design is rarely approached by contemporary writings. Beyond this will, it was first necessary to gather around our declared ambitions in order to stimulate the interdependence between the different disciplines. Finally, it led to a huge work of connections, to an integrative and progressive writing following an editorial method which associates indistinctly a character, a concept and an image and which constantly questions its goals: to join a debate in which we wish to participate and thus to single out its object as it is without any other pretence, to appeal to characters which would contribute to the search but also for what they represent, to stimulate inter-subjectivity and establish a strict procedure, to refine the realization and preserve without interfering in what results from the different connections, to choose between individual visions and collective reason.

An intuition too, about a rather unexplored field: the editorial design taking part in the scenography and the organization of the contents. This comes from an interrogation about writing in human sciences. What if graphic and editorial design were combined with writing in human sciences, a discipline which confronts ethical, aesthetical and scientific arguments, and oppositions such as objectivity and subjectivity, science and literature, substance and form? Similar questions are shared by the two fields which both question the status of the part played by what is displayed and what can be read: literary work or vector of thought and transmission? Supervised writing or independence of the writer in his work?

Writing in human sciences expresses conceptions, opinions, attitudes and practices but also values and feelings prevailing in its field of action. Thus, the typography and the graphical and editorial design define a whole reality of writing, the editorial design being freed from and at the same time given new responsibilities. What positions to adopt and to test (experimental, interpretative, dialogical…)? Making the activity of research (whether aesthetical or theoretical) accessible or taking another look at the established codes of a common history? Where to find the balance between the necessity of creating an identity and position the experience not to be out of range? On what presuppositions to base the whole strategy for each edition and for the general collection?

The general project of n.d. is to make comparisons but also connections, which allows to answer partly some of the questions and presents possible perspectives, just like the “double” editorial concept leaves an equal place to combinations, connections and nuances: a constant whirling inside and outside the book, causing the writers to re-evaluate the experience, the critics and the final results. And still on the principle of interdependence, the numerous technical problems raised require strengthened relations between design and editorial concept.

To develop such a project about human sciences also means a fresh boost for the Academic areas and the University, which are subjected to a strictness of forms, protocol and seriousness. It also gives back to arts its primary role which is to create, to trouble and to explore. The different balances thus presented, the re-reading of a university structure is quite meaningful and allows a new visual and intellectual experience. It is rarely possible to approach demanding university texts about subjects proposing new possibilities of understanding and at the same time to have access to a sophisticated design experience.

To sum up, we could say that « nouveau document » is the ambition of a literary adventure concerning the object created and the story told, collected works about well known figures in the field of research (in every sense), and an association defending a concept in human sciences based on exchanges between the fields of arts, graphical and editorial design.


such as human sciences,
psychoanalysis, psychology,
anthropology and ethnology…

The collection « nouveau document » was built on comparisons illustrating original points of view, and aiming at the construction of a special way of thinking and of writing scanning several fields which would normally rarely mingle such as human sciences, psychoanalysis, psychology, anthropology and ethnology, by the means of typography, graphical design, contemporary arts and editorial design. N.d. is a collection of works resulting from rich dialogues between various characters representing a wide range of disciplines. So, it aims subjectively at submitting an opinion and bringing our contribution, leaving aside what divides these disciplines and analyzing their similarities as well as what defines or even transcends them. Thus, even if at the beginning ND deals with human sciences, its main goal is to extend their limits always further through a process which, ultimately, will go beyond the unilateral logic of these different disciplines. Pluri-trans-uni-extra-disciplinarity… our wish is to go beyond these notions and extend the editorial and theoretical possibilities.

Thus, n.d. describes itself as a unique space, an experiment area, an inquiry examining links and what they might reveal, links between the different issues but also links between these issues through the association of- and the concepts represented by - two entities (characters, places or objects). Not intermingling but rather bringing together and testing the force of exchange in an inter-space, a junction, finally giving birth to a global object which would go beyond its own constitutive elements.


From Budapest
to Buenos Aires,
from Geneva
to New York...

This 1st issue – as part of a larger editorial object – leads the way and in this issue, « nouveau document » is going to focus on psychoanalysis as one part of human sciences. This introduction is the starting point of a thought which goes beyond its limits towards another self, progressively shifting from the “intra-psychic” to the social, from the inner self as an entity towards a multiple extra self. EPR, a psychoanalyst and a psychiatrist, and GR, an anthropologist and a psychoanalyst, reflect this open-mindedness of going beyond or rather trying to go beyond the limits of psychoanalysis. The meeting of these two characters, either in their differences or their common points, is highly enlightening about certain times and influences, or about ways of thinking and practices in psychoanalysis. From Budapest to Buenos Aires, from Geneva to New York, from the Isle of Normanby to the province of Chaco, from anthropology to psychoanalysis, including social psychology, from “Les Chants de Maldoror” to Australian totemism, this first issue offers a necessarily objective “trip” through the lives and works of two major authors in human sciences.


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E. Pichon-Rivière,
Av. Santa Fe 1379,
Buenos Aires
G. Róheim,
Hermina ut 35 b,



selling price

39 €


33 €


220,5 × 313 mm






more than 100 images
30 contributions


(E. P.-R.)
(G. R.)










collective work
directed by
  • Joanny Lelong
    (from university)
  • Samuel Rambaud
    (from art and design)
editorial board
  • Marie Baraud
  • Maxime Baudouin
  • Jean-Jacques Corre
  • Gabriel Ferrier
  • Catherine Guiral
  • Caroline Grillot
  • Sara Hoibian
  • Antonin Horquin
  • Gaëlle Lacaze
  • Thomas Leblond
  • Denis Mellier
  • Amandine Mohamed-Delaporte
  • Éric Navet
  • Sarah Rambaud
  • Jean-Marc Talpin
  • Luc Vigne
  • Arthur Violy
  • Le Centre de Traduction, d'Interprétation et de Médiation Linguistique (CeTIM) :
  • Avec Sophie Besançon
    & Claire Bourdin
  • coord. Carole Fillière.
    Avec les étudiants du Master 1
    et Sandrine Fournié,
    coord. Solange Hibbs.

  • Jone Areta
  • Cécilia Barreto
  • Clara Bidini
  • Julie Bonnet
  • Louise Bouchu
  • Christelle Boulin
  • Elvine Boura-Dumont
  • Derek Byrne
  • Liana Gaudreault
  • Diana Giron
  • Lison Hasse
  • Antoine Héron-Kummen
  • Hugo Lopez
  • Nadine Roche
  • Guénola Sacher
  • Quentin Schaller
  • Piera Simon-Chaix
supports and partners
ADÉRA | Association des écoles supérieures d’art Auvergne-Rhône-AlpesVille de VilleurbanneENSBA LyonMusée de l’imprimerieInstitute of PsychoanalysisCETIM | Centre de Traduction, d’Interprétation et de Médiation LinguistiqueUniversité Toulouse - Jean JaurèsNéprajzi MúzeumInstitut francais BudapestBalassi instituteInstitut français argentineAmbassade de France en ArgentineFerme du Vinatier

Fig. 1Enrique Pichon-Rivière est né à Genève d'une famille d'origine française. Émigrant très tôt avec ses parents de l'autre côté de l’Atlantique, à l'âge de trois ans, c'est dans cette Argentine du milieu du XXe siècle qu'il développera ses théorisations et pratiques cliniques. À travers les aléas historiques et sociaux de son pays d'adoption, ce passionné du peuple, des milieux culturels et artistiques, du tango tout autant que du football, deviendra une figure marquante et novatrice de la psychanalyse, de la psychiatrie et de la psychologie sociale sud-américaine… / Enrique Pichon-Rivière nació en Ginebra en una familia de origen francés. Emigró a temprana edad con sus padres al otro lado del Atlántico. A los tres años, en esa Argentina de mediados del siglo XX, desarrolló sus teorías y practicas clínicas. A través de los azares históricos y sociales de su país de adopción, este apasionado del pueblo, de los medios culturales y artísticos, del tango tanto como del futbol, se convertirá en una figura memorable e innovadora del psicoanálisis, de la psiquiatría y de la psicología social sudamericana.

Fig. 2Géza Róheim est né en Hongrie au tournant du XXe siècle, fils unique d'une famille de riches commerçants. Ethnologue de formation, puis psychanalyste intégré au cercle psychanalytique hongrois, il tenta tout au long de sa vie de concilier ces deux disciplines ; son voyage à travers le monde à la fin des années 1920 pour valider l'universalité du psychisme et des théories freudiennes en étant certainement le point d'orgue. Marqué par l'exil et par cette posture d'entre-deux qu'il ne parviendra jamais à résoudre réellement, Géza Róheim demeure cependant une figure majeure des sciences humaines défrichant un terrain pour d'autres sans avoir conscience de la voie qu'il était en train d'ouvrir… / Géza Róheim was born in Hungary before the start of the XXth century as the only child of a rich family of traders. Educated in ethnology he will later be a psychoanalyst linked to the Hungarian psychoanalytical circle. He will try, during his entire life, to conciliate these two disciplines. His journey across the world in the late 1920s, during which he tried to validate the universality of the psyche and of the Freudian theories, was probably the climax of this attempt. Affected by exile and by this in-between-position of which he will never really find a way out, Géza Róheim remains a major figure of the humanities. Without knowing what he was accomplishing he sew a field for others to harvest.

Fig. 1(Quelques dates) Algunas fechas — J. Lelong ; (Incarner le texte : entretien avec Alejandro Lo Celso) Encarnar el texto, entrevista con Alejandro Lo Celso — Alice Savoie ; (Ce qui nous mange sous le ciel bleu) Lo que nos come bajo el cielo azul — A. Horquin ; (Collection Joaquin Pichon-Rivière) Colección de Joaquin Pichon-Rivière ;

(Faire avec ce qui excède, entretien avec Janine Puget) Hacer con lo que excede, entrevista con Janine Puget — L. Vigne ; (El Largo Río) Le long fleuve — Vicente Zito Lema ; (Sentir pensando y pensar haciendo) Ressentir en pensées et penser en action — Gladys Adamson ; (Footballeur profane) Futbolista profane — Eduardo Mahieu ; (Una luminosa trayectoria) Une trajectoire lumineuse — Olga B. Ruiz Correa ; (Claves ocultas entrecruzan a Pichon-Rivière con Lautréamont) Les sens caches s’entremêlent chez Pichon-Rivière et Lautréamont — Rosa Beatriz Lopez ; (En San Pablo, Brasil) À San Pablo au Brésil — Joaquin Pichon-Rivière ; (Un faro orientador para el desarrollo del psicoanálisis) Une lumière conductrice pour le développement de la pyschanalyse — Reyna Hernández-Tubert ; (Intérêt de la pensée associative groupale dans les situations d’apprentissage : exemple du grupo operativo) Importancia del pensamiento asociativo grupal en situaciones de aprendizaje: el ejemplo del grupo operative — Christophe Bittolo ; (Un maître insouciant d’en être un) Un maestro despreocupado por ser uno — Marie-Pascale Chevance Bertin ; (Le sens pluriel de l’émergent) Le sens pluriel de l’émergent — Alberto Eiguer ; (Espiral del Cielo) Spirale du ciel — Vicente Zito Lema ;

Borges, Bau : book, livre, livro — T. Leblond, S. Rambaud.

Fig. 2(Quelques dates) Some dates — J. Lelong ; (Fort Yuma Indian Reservation, CA-AZ) Réserve indienne Fort Yuma, CA-AZ, CA-AZ — A. Horquin ; (Twenty letters between John Rickman and Géza Róheim, Institute of Psychoanalysis, London) Vingt lettres entre John Rickman et Géza Róheim, Institut psychanalytique de Londres ; (Ten letters between Vilma Kovács and Géza Róheim, Freud Museum) Dix lettres entre Vilma Kovács et Géza Róheim, Musée Freud, Londres ; (Fifty objects, Oceania collection, Museum of Ethnography, Budapest) Cinquante objets, collection Océanie, Musée ethnographique de Budapest — S. Rambaud ; (Ten Dreams and Analysis of Uran Tukutu, Pindupi tribe, Australia, Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego) Dix interprétations de rêves de Uran Tukutu, tribu Pindupi, Australie, Collections spéciales et archives, Université de San Diego ;

(Une vie et des idées dans l'histoire) A Life and Ideas in History — Patrick Fermi ; (L’unité de l'Homme) The Unity of Mankind — Roger Dadoun ; (The political attitude of Géza Róheim. An alien among acquaintances) L’attitude politique de Géza Róheim. Un étranger parmi ses proches — György Péter Hárs ; (The legend of Róheim’s professorship) La légende de la chaire de Róheim — Ferenc Erős ; (‘Tell them that we are not like wild kangaroos’: Géza Róheim and the (fully) human primitive) « Dites leur que nous ne sommes pas comme les kangourous sauvages » : Géza Róheim et le primitif (pleinement) humain — Shaul Bar-Haim ; (Géza Róheim and his Australian dreams) Les rêves australiens de Géza Róheim — Philip Jones ; (Entre rêve et mythe : Roheim et les Australiens) Between Dream and Myth : Roheim and the Australians — Barbara Glowczewski ; (Un contemporain de Geza Roheim, Bronislaw Malinowski, l'anthropologie, la psychanalyse et l'Oedipe) A Contemporary of Geza Roheim, Bronislaw Malinowski. Social Anthropology, Psychoanalysis and the Oedipus Complex — Louis Moreau de Bellaing ; (La notion du « don » dans la pensée de Mauss et de Freud : de Róheim vers Lacan dans une perspective de subjectivation du manque et de la frustration) The Concept of "Gift" in the Thought of Mauss and Freud : From Roheim to Lacan, in a Perspective of Subjectivation of Lack and Frustration — Yolande Govindama ; (Ouvrir les portes du rêve) Opening the Gates of Dream — Danièle Pierre ; (Rêve de base et phallucination) Basic Dream and Phallucination — Roger Dadoun ; (Entretien avec une ancienne patiente de Géza Roheim) Interview with a Former Patient of Geza Roheim — Eva Brabant ;

Borges, Bau : book, livre, livro — T. Leblond, S. Rambaud.